Draw Write Now, Book 8

Draw Write Now, Book 8

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Draw Write Now, Book 8

64 pages, softcover, color throughout, 8-1/2" x 11"

Visit Africa and Asia and study life on tropical grasslands, the Savannas. Next, circle the globe and draw temperate grassland animals, like the anteater of South America and the pronghorn of North America. Then, study the mountains and deserts of the world. Learn to draw the continents, too!

Lessons in Draw Write Now, Book 8

Savanna Animals (tropical grasslands)

Giraffe, Hippopotamus, Zebra, Lion, African Elephant, Cheetah, Hyena, Ostrich, Rhinoceros, Map of Africa

Grassland Animals (temperate grasslands)

Horse, Anteater, Armadillo, Prairie Dog, Pronghorn, Map of N. and S. America

Mountain and Desert Animals

Map of Europe and Asia, Yak, Golden Eagle, Llama, Camel, Thorny Lizard, Map of Australia

Draw Write Now, Book 8 Table of Contents

Art Elements

At the end of each unit, several pages focus on a specific art element or principle. In Book 8 they are:

  • Draw a map of Africa

  • Draw a map of Australia

  • Draw a map of Europe and Asia

  • Draw a map of North and South America

  • Antarctica map drawing is in Book 4


Four short sentences (manuscript style) are shown for copy work. The writing practice should be adjusted to fit the child’s abilities and needs. In addition, any handwriting style may be practiced. The following is from a Book 8 lesson:

Anteaters have long tongues.
They use them to catch ants.
Anteaters live on the pampas.
The pampas is a grassland.