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We teach drawing and writing to children. You can, too! See the eight-book Draw Write Now series. Each book is a unit study with step-by-step drawing instructions and short sentences for writing practice. Use in the home or in the classroom.
Draw Write Now for ages 5 to 9, along with:
preschools (Book 1)
homeschools, multi-age classes (4 year-olds and 12 year-olds love doing the lessons together!)
upper-elementary classes (The numbers—Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, etc.—do NOT relate to student grade-level.)
“My son is OBSESSED with your books! He is doing one in a co-op and begged for more so I just got the whole set 🤪 impulse buy, but we are excited! I used your books when I was a homeschooler!”
Books 1 through 8 are available in manuscript (printing). Available from us and from our publisher.
Books 5 through 8 are now also available in cursive! Order directly from our publisher (click here).
When Draw Write Now was first published in 1994, we had to choose one style of handwriting to present in the books, so we chose manuscript. Over the years, parents and teachers adjusted the lessons to teach cursive and other handwriting styles. See Drawing and Writing Together to effortlessly customize the lessons.
In 2020, our publisher decided to make Books 5 through 8 available in cursive. Nice! Keep in mind, though, that the short handwriting practice sentences in the lessons can easily be transposed to any handwriting style. When teaching handwriting (any style), it isn’t difficult to show children how to form letters—the challenge is to motivate the children to want to practice carefully. Integrating drawing and handwriting practice makes a difference!
#1 in Elementary Art
Teach Them Diligently, Homeschool Family Favorites Guide (2022, multiple Years)
Teachers’ Choice Award
Learning Magazine, judged by PreK to Grade 6 teachers. (1999)
Award of Excellence, Art & Music Education Clearinghouse Magazine (2002)
Real Life Award, Best Product
LifeWorks Magazine (2002)
Readers’ Choice Awards
Practical Homeschooling Magazine (multiple years)
Top 18 Products
School supply store owners, by vote at NSSEA ED Expo (2001)
“In their old handwriting sessions, the writing started neat and quickly deteriorate by the end of the page. Using Draw Write Now, the writing is beautiful from beginning to end… the children want their writing to look nice, because they are so proud of their drawings.”
Yes, the books may be used in any order. We recommend starting with Draw Write Now, Book 1 if the child lacks confidence with their drawing skills or if the teacher is working with new students.
Draw Write Now books become a part of your home or classroom library. Draw and write on your own paper or use the optional Draw Write Now Workbook.